PrecisionPhage and Startup Factory in Finnish media

A small story about PrecisionPhage and Startup Factory was recently published in Kauppalehti (in Finnish).
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The company's CEO, Matti Jalasvuori, emphasizes the importance of courage and the right ecosystem support in driving transformative business. PrecisionPhage specializes in licensing bacteriophages, providing bioinformatics analyses, and developing phage-based solutions for bacterial issues.
Jalasvuori, with a background in academic research on antibiotic-resistant bacteria, saw the potential to create a real-world impact through entrepreneurship. This vision has been supported by the thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem in Jyväskylä, including invaluable assistance from the Startup Factor incubator.
PrecisionPhage is currently scaling its deep-tech solutions to the global market, with international clients and a recently launched online analysis service ( accessible worldwide. The company's success is a testament to the critical support provided by local networks and the collaborative spirit of Jyväskylä's business community.